Elderly residents with eating difficulties at a Metlifecare retirement village are trialling a fresh way to serve up soft foods moulded in the shape of meat and vegetables.
Puree food company The Pure Food Co is selling sheets of the plastic moulds shaped as chicken drumsticks, steak fillets, carrots, peas to make its blended food more visually appealing.
Director Sam Bridgewater said the company decided to investigate the moulds last year after a study from an Australian food mould company showed consumption of pureed food lifted by about 20 per cent if it looked visually appealing, especially in elderly women.
Metlifecare food and beverage manager Gareth Carden said the 12 residents limited to soft food at Auckland’s The Orchards village had not suffered weight loss since chefs started reshaping their meals.
* Smooth food operators
* Olympic rower George Bridgewater directs a health food company
* Changing face of retirement villages is all about catering to new demographic