Q&A: How much energy do older people need and how can they get it?

Q&A: How much energy do older people need and how can they get it?

In this Q&A, our expert dietitian, Kaye Dennison (NZRD) shares insights around energy and tips for how older people can get more of it.  Older people’s energy needs vary on an individual basis depending on their gender, weight, physical activity level (PAL), metabolic needs. In general, energy needs decrease with age following a reduction in […]

Evidence to show fortified foods are cost effective and feasible

Evidence to show fortified foods are cost effective and feasible

As health care professionals, having some hard evidence behind what we advise is key. In previous blogs we looked at how poor nutrition is associated with greater risk of pressure injuries, infections, poor recovery and increased length of hospital stay. Oral nutritional supplements (sip feeds) are frequently used in cases of poor nutrition, and certainly […]

Delicious and nourishing food for those who have suffered a stroke

Delicious and nourishing food for those who have suffered a stroke

According to the stroke foundation, a stroke (or cerebrovascular accident – CVA for short) is the loss of brain function caused by disturbance of the blood flow to the brain. After a stroke, it is common to experience difficulty in eating. These difficulties can be for a number reasons such as: difficulties in chewing and […]

Delicious fortified food for nourishing people with swallowing difficulties

Delicious fortified food for nourishing people with swallowing difficulties

It wasn’t too long ago that if you had a swallowing problem, your health outcomes and quality of life might not have been as positive as it can be these days. This would have been due to an inability to eat sufficient food to meet your nutritional requirements, or because of the risk of some […]

Delicious and nourishing food for those who have had bariatric surgery

Delicious and nourishing food for those who have had bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery (often known as weight loss surgery) is becoming increasingly more common as the population increases in weight. Government funding for bariatric surgery has increased significantly over the past 10 years with some DHB’s now offering up to 200 bariatric surgeries a year. After surgery individuals work with a dietitian and are encouraged to […]

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