Q&A: How to reduce weight loss in people with dementia

Q&A: How to reduce weight loss in people with dementia

In this Q&A, our expert dietitian, Kaye Dennison (NZRD), answers an important question about reducing weight loss in those living with dementia. “I am caring for my wife who has dementia, occasionally some swallowing problems and is losing weight. What are some easy ideas to help stop her losing more weight?” Here is Kaye’s response: […]

Q&A: “I have noticed that I have lost a lot of weight over the last 6 months without even trying. My doctor has told me I need to put on some weight, what can I do about it?”

Q&A: “I have noticed that I have lost a lot of weight over the last 6 months without even trying. My doctor has told me I need to put on some weight, what can I do about it?”

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and wellbeing. There are many reasons for weight loss and it is great to see that you have explored the potential causes for this with your doctor. The good news is that gaining weight is achievable and making simple changes to your daily meals and snacks […]

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